Payment Updates

APTA Maryland members benefit from expert analyses of changing payment legislation and regulations, and guidance on processing payments successfully. The APTA Maryland and our Director for Reimbursement oversees activities or policies that can enhance the position of physical therapists in the current or in future payment environments.
APTA Maryland Reimbursement Committees Meets 3rd Thursdays 8:00 pm
  • Looks at trends to identify issues across insurance companies for potential advocacy, legislative or regulatory action.
  • Addresses relevant issues and trends in the current environment (state and national) affecting payment of physical therapy.
  • Identifies potential changes/evolution in the payment environment and recommend techniques, positions or policies to address these changes and to promote changes that will benefit physical therapists and physical therapy assistants.
  • Identifies and addresses risk management considerations of changes in payment regulation and provide advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors and Chapter Office staff regarding risk management implications and changes in payment regulation. >>>More Information
News and Updates

Final 2025 MA Rule Includes More Prior Authorization Scrutiny

Medicare Advantage plans will be required to analyze prior auth requirements' impact on health equity and must include an additional member with health equity expertise.

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HHS Expands Nondiscrimination Protections in ACA, Rehabilitation Act

Medicare B providers are now included in the provisions, some of which have been expanded to include protections based on sexual identity and disability.  

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CMS Issues Final Rule on SNF Minimum Staffing

Requiring nursing homes to provide at least 3.48 hours of daily nursing care per resident, per day. APTA is monitoring in case staffing standards are applied to other provider types.

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What's New in Payment - Opt In for APTA's Friday Focus

APTA members can opt in to receive any of four monthly electronic newsletters each with a different focus:

  • Payment: Payment trends, initiatives, legislation/regulation, and other related issues. Typically delivers the fourth Friday of every month
  • Professional Issues:  Topics of concern to PTs and PTAs related to their careers and the state of the profession, including career development, ethics, practice management, licensure, and peer review. Typically delivers the first Friday of every month.
  • Evidence & Care: Physical therapy evidence and research related to patient care and health services. Typically delivers the second Friday of every month.
  • APTA & You: A focus on association and member issues. Typically delivers the third Friday of every month.