About Us

What is APTA Maryland?

APTA Maryland is a professional organization representing over 1800 members who are physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students. APTA Maryland is a chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), a national professional organization representing more than 100,000 members. Their goal is to foster advancements in physical therapy practice, research, and education.
Our Mission

Foster excellence in the physical therapy profession to improve the lives of the people we serve.

Our Vision

We are the leading healthcare providers who optimize movement and function to improve health and quality of life.

Our Priorities

Sustainable Profession
Member Value

APTAMD’S Strategic Plan provides a framework that  outlines our priority to protect the long-term sustainability of the profession by leading and championing local advocacy efforts. Leading the charge are our Directors for Government Relations, Practice. and Reimbursement. We invite our members to join a meeting and or committee/workgroup to stay connected, provide feedback, and guide our efforts. This is a collaborative effort with APTA as we work together to increase payment, reduce the cost of education, and strengthen provider health and well-being. APTA Articles of Interest This July our Directors for Government Relations and Reimbursement are headed to Kansas City, MO to work with other components on state payment advocacy. In addition, we will be meeting with APTA on 2025 Payment Forecast: MIPS, Medicare Reform, MVPs, and More.
Protecting and Promoting Public Health
Issues related to public health and human rights should never be partisan. We believe that health professions’ organizations are obliged to take action to protect and promote public health. To that end, we must occasionally make a public statement and take, not a political stance, but a humanitarian one when it comes to relevant social issues that affect public health and human rights.