Payment & Advocacy

Government Relations Committee

The Government Relations Committee monitors, evaluates and develops positions on proposed state and county legislation and regulations which affect the practice and profession of physical therapy and the profession’s role in the health care delivery system. The Committee works with lobbying team of Brocato and Associates.

The Committee meets in person prior to each legislative session with our lobbying team and leadership. In addition, through legislative session we communicate via email and meet on an as needed basis throughout the year via conference call.

Contact the chapter for details.

Reimbursement Committee

The Reimbursement Committee is responsible for addressing reimbursement issues for physical therapy services as they affect consumers, providers, employers and insurers.

Members can join in for one of our quarterly calls or become formal members of any of our committees. Do you have a topic you would like us to focus on for an upcoming discussion?

Would you like to present a specific issue that is impacting reimbursement or practice?

Contact the chapter for details.