
Career Resources

For Students

Get the Job you Want

How to find the right fit for you:

1. What are some of the challenges you’ve seen people in this role or on this team encounter?
During your interviews, you want to get a clear-eyed view of what this job is like — why it’s hard and rewarding at the same time. Getting your interviewers’ perspectives on potential hurdles will give you a holistic picture.

2. What do you like best about working here?
This question can be a casual way to engage your interviewer on a personal level while gaining valuable insights into their experience with the company. If appropriate, be sure to respond to their answer with examples of why you believe this type of environment is a great fit for your personality and working style.

3. How would you describe the company culture?
This is a great, straightforward question to hear about how the interviewer would describe the company’s culture. Interviewers will often speak to what they like most about the culture, so it’s great to ask this question to multiple people throughout the interview process to get a holistic view of the culture.

Employer Interview Questions

  1. What is the most challenging thing during your last PT/PTA job or clinical rotation?  What did you like the best?
  2. How do you handle stress? What do you do for stress relief?
  3. PT- Have you worked with PTA’s in a job or clinical setting? How was that relationship?
  4. PTA- Have you ever had a conflict working with a PT where you may have not agreed with the PT POC? How did you or would you handle situation like that?
  5. Give me an example of a day in a clinic that may have gotten overwhelming? Patient incident, juggling multiple patients, documentation, etc.. What did you learn from that situation, and how did you handle it?  
  6. Situation- If you worked with a patient and you disagreed with the PT treatment plan on a prescription from a MD. Example traction when the patient had an unstable joint such as a significant spondylolisthesis, how would you handle that situation?  
  7. How employers assess how you will fit into their team and company culture (Your experience; How you handle challenges and transitions).

Interviewee Questions

  1. What does a typical day look like? What is the flow of the clinic? 
  2. What are some learning and educational opportunities offered? 
  3.  What qualities are you looking for in an employee? 
  4. How often is an employee provided formal feedback (eg. annually, twice per year?) and what skills are considered during an employee’s evaluation?
  5. Can you describe a typical staff meeting? What kinds of things are discussed?  How often do they happen?
  6. Does a new employee meet with other team members (e.g. nursing, respiratory therapy, OT, etc) during orientation? 
  7. Can you describe how PTs and PTAs were deployed during the height of COVID?  Were there challenges that you did not expect?
  8. What will my  orientation process involve in the department?  As a new grad, will there be someone to mentor me?
  9. What are your productivity expectations?  
  10. Will I be expected to work on weekends and holidays? How is the schedule made for weekends and holidays? 
  11.  Are there areas for growth in the department?